Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am Moved!

I love watching inspirational videos.

This video entitled "99 Balloons" was shared to me by my friend, Alex.
Thanks Alex! :D I am Moved!

The Story:
Eliot was born with an undeveloped lung, a heart with a hole in it and DNA that placed faulty information into each and every cell of his body. However, that could not stop the living God from proclaiming Himself through this boy who never uttered a word.
In the midst of heartbreaking tragedy, the Mooney family found the presence of God strengthening, comforting, and guiding them. Their story reminds us to seek God and endure our struggles rather than blame Him for our hardships.
For more info about Eliot, go to
(courtesy of

Eliot died.

The Moony family were blessed to have those 99 days of Eliot's life.

...and so are we that we got to know the meaning of Eliot's existence.

We are blessed to see the sun each day, to spend our moments to our families and friends and to realize the wonders of life. But only our Creator knows when we'll we breathe our last air.

Let this video inspire us. Live and revel each day as if its the last.

Carpe diem my friends!

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