Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh yeah!


I never thought of using "tofranil" as my blog address. (FYI Tofranil is the brand name of Imipramine, an antidepressant drug.)

It's just sad that I can't use my old blog because I can't remember the pw I used. Stupid! That's why I ended up creating a new one. And I want to tell you, its really hard to think of a new blog address. Head and Ass pain. Head due to the thinking process and Ass due to the prolong sitting. XD

I chose "toffranil" because i think it is artistic having my name in there and incorporated to my favorite drug (FYI because it's easy to remember, what's the most famous brand of Imipramine?) LOL

BTW, according to Mr. Lloyd Luna (author of "Is There A Job Waiting For You?) there are two things that can help build our credibility and also help us in monitoring our personal development; and also put a smile in our faces.
These things are: taking photographs and writing journal entries. He is right because these will serve as our mementos. And these will save us for the headaches just for trying to remember the events in the past.
I just realized that there were a lot of things that happened in my past and some of those were just left behind. I'm doing my step now, going for what Mr. Lloyd told me (and you). Building and sharing my own memento.

I have lots of stories in my mind to tell and I hope I can express them all here.